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Introduction and Process

Ministerial Qualifications and Credentials of Selwyn Van Wyk


  • Masters in Theology specialising in Demonisation

  • International School of Exorcism and Advanced Academy of Deliverance

  • Dynamics of DID, Primary Identity Approach, Bringing Healing to DID

  • Satanic Ritual Abuse Dissociative Integration and Resolution

  • Ordained Minister from Team Impact Christian University. 

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Below is some important information from Unseen Realm and important preparation material. 


I have developed this preparation over two decades as I have witnessed peoples journey of spiritual freedom. 


After you have finished filling the profile form you can go through some of the preparation videos.


All the preparation makes the ministry session, whether in-person or on zoom incredibly effective.


In-person sessions are between Monday to Friday in Brisbane, and in other cities and locations around Australia as I travel there. 


Time options: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm.


In-person are 1Hour and a half to 2Hours, and Zoom are 1Hour to 1H15.


Your location; Country, State, or City is important for me to work out the time zones when confirming your session booking.


I would like to give you a call and discuss the situation and process, what is a good day and time?


Let me know if you have any questions?


Thank you for reaching out.


Chat soon, blessings.



Unseen Realm


1. Minimum Contributions to make this essential work possible, these Paylinks will be emailed prior to sessions:


  • Public Meetings no charge.

  • Zoom sessions 60 minutes $150 each, follow up sessions $100. 

  • First In-person session 90 minutes $250, follow up sessions $175.

  • Financial restraints can be discussed.


2. Preparation Procedure

  • Once your form is submitted, you will be sent two prayers to work through to begin searching for the root issues.

  • You can now book the session online using the link at the bottom right on the email.

  • If needed I will send you some additional renunciation prayers based on your profile form to do prior to the session.


3. Recommended Viewing

Bob Larson/Selwyn Van Wyk Interview


Stranger than Fiction Interview


Unseen Realm YouTube channel


4. Unseen Realm Structure


We are a team of three people, family counsellor, and a Psychological Counsellor who specialises in Trauma, and myself. We do an incredible amount of background research and preparation, and most of the time between three of us we regularly discuss your situation together, and sometimes even have Zoom meetings regarding finding an efficient strategy, through prayer and experience to bring a fortified battle plan of victory, especially when things can be complicated. 


We have dealt with incredibly complicated situations, including Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors (SRA), and extreme childhood trauma’s, and have seen incredible breakthroughs. 


I will prepare specific prayers, depending on what level of oppression, demonisation, curses or trauma are existing. You may ask why this process and all this preparation? The reason why is having done this extensively, everything that is done by you, including your response to my emails, moves the individual towards freedom. All of this weakens the demonic and the enemy.


Everything we do is through the power of Jesus Christ, but we still need to be diligent, use technique and methodology, as the word says in Proverbs, “God rewards those who diligently seek him."


Also it is important to note, that deliverance is a process. It can be a short journey, or it can be a longer journey, depending on the depth of the oppression and trauma.  Patience, perseverance and faith is key, and working together is key. Any dreams, thoughts or revelations you have during the process, please message them to me, some of this information is God speaking to you or me regarding the freedom process. Sometimes God speaks to me during prayer that are also indicators about which direction to take. 


The below scripture has a good explanation of why the walk of freedom can be a process:


Deuteronomy 7:22-23

And the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you little by little; you will be unable to destroy them at once, lest the beasts of the field become too numerous for you. 23 But the LORD your God will deliver them over to you, and will inflict defeat upon them until they are destroyed.



As you go through the deliverance journey remember your are in a spiritual battle for your freedom. Demons strategy is to make you fearful, to make you feel overwhelmed so you cannot apply faith. The devil also pretends, there is so much of this, questions like “will I ever be able to get out of this”. Reject those kinds of thoughts. Don’t allow your mind to go there else your faith won’t be able to be as strong. God is unfolding this step by step. For some reason He can’t unfold it all at once as it may be too overwhelming.

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